Monday, April 15, 2024

TV Appearance on Daytime Ottawa (Rogers)

A heartfelt thank you to Daytime Ottawa host, Derick Fage, and the entire volunteer crew for the opportunity to be on the show on Friday April 12th. This was my first ever live TV appearance, discussing my debut crime thriller novel, A Case Against the Clock, and the history of ALS in my family. Derick and crew could not have been more courteous and accommodating. Derick’s engaging personality and professionalism made the interview seem effortless. I’m grateful to Derick and to the talented volunteers working behind the scenes for making this such a wonderful and memorable ‘on-air’ experience. It was also a pleasure meeting the other guests prior to the show - @siskphoto and @fitwithjulesnow. My segment begins at the 49-minute mark.

  I’m thrilled to announce the launch of my second crime thriller novel, The Ghosts of Willow Beach . It’s a darkly disturbing story about ...